Sunday, July 11, 2010

If six white teens beat a black teen down, I wonder if society would seek the max punishment for hate crimes?

Yeah, I am talking about Jana six. And don't start in about the noose crap either, because the fights and disagreements concerning that was dealt with weeks before the the attack happened. the white teen ran his mouth, so six black teens beat him down. That simple, but it is also a hate crime and should be treated as such. That is unless you believe that hate crime laws only apply whenever a MINORITY is the victim of a racial fueled assault.

If six white teens beat a black teen down, I wonder if society would seek the max punishment for hate crimes?
beating people up who are not the same colour as you is a hate crime

if you want to beat someone up makes sure they are the same race as you
Reply:Nope, they wouldnt. Those white people that tortured that black lady didn't get charged with a hate crime and they tortured a ******* lady.
Reply:Some things are better left alone. There are thousands already looking into this case. Correction, this is not about the fight. This is about guns being pointed and nooses in trees. It is about Billy Bob the DA not considering any charges against the white perpetrators and throwing the book at six boys who defend themselves with a tennis shoe.
Reply:The police didn't do anything to the white teens that beat a black teen down. You sit and talk about how the black teens beat the white teen is wrong but you don't say anything about white teens beating a black teen. It was wrong but the way they are going about it is also wrong. And the white teen didn't even get hurt. He was out of the hospital the same day and even went to hang out that very night.
Reply:The white tree was on public grounds which taxes payer pay. It dosn't make a different who sit under the tree. Another thing the nooses was racial, another thing this happen on the school grounds and sure have ended there on the grounds.

Ok the boy was beated and couldn't move but do you think they sure have got 20 years please. You know aand I know people have murder folks with cars and and man slugther haven't got 20 years.
Reply:Of course they would.

People are hypocritical.
Reply:I was'nt there so I don't know what happened. The way I see it is that it is not against the law to put a fake noose on a tree even though whoever did it is an idiot and will probably be in jail by the time he is 16, not to mention he probably has stupid parents. That should be punishment enough. These blacks kids should have not resulted to violence, Martin Luther King would have never suggested that. They should get whatever punishment it is just like everyone else that beats someone else by mob beating, whatever that is. Like I said though, I was'nt there.
Reply:Yes, justice sucks!
Reply:My personal opinion is that a hate crime can only be called that if it can proven that race, religion, or gender was a major cause of the altercation. But the sheer fact that a fight breaks out and it happens to be between two people of different races doesn't automatically mean it's a hate crime. However, in the Jena 6 case, I think you're right. If roles were reversed and 6 white kids had jumped 1 black kid, Al Sharpton and his legion would have been up in arms calling for the aggressors' heads on platters. It's ridiculous! No one can ever take responsibility for anything any more, they've always got to blame everyone else in society for their screw-ups.
Reply:anytime a person is "beat down" or killed for that matter, dammit, is a hate crime.

shoe materials

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