Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What should teens know?

What is something all teens should know about Alcohol, cocaine, Heroin, Ecstasy, Methamphetamines, GHB, and Rohypnol

i'm interested in seeing what teens know about these things.

What should teens know?
i agree with the other guy, no to do them. im a teenager. most teenagers, no just about everything, from all sorts of places. movies, partys, classes in school etc.
Reply:The thing that teens need to know is that even after you quite taking these drugs or using alcohol it can still kill you. I watched this happen to my husbands brother.
Reply:JUST DONT DO THEM. its a pointless/stupid thing to do. be smart and take up a hobbie like a sport or club
Reply:These drugs change the chemistry in the brain and not in a good way. Teens should not only know about what these drugs are, what they look like, and what they do, but they should also look at before and after pictures of the people who have used them.
Reply:too much of any above mentioned drug could kill you, make you retarded or a vegetable which would you like to try for, but -love is the anti drug! if this doesn't work in keeping them away from drugs get counseling
Reply:they can only mess up your life. your friends will be fake ppl %26amp; you too will become fake. there is no true reason to use these things %26amp; life is much better without.
Reply:they all get you high, and each of them is responsible for the deaths of many people. they're really lame and retarded.
Reply:All teens should know that the difference between a medicine, a poison and a drug is dosage.

And that it's dangerous to smoke weed and drink alcohol because marijuana suppresses the urge to throw up the poison, leading to alcohol poisoning...this is why college binge drinkers often die.

oh, and that your chances of getting into trouble and getting killed are much higher with alcohol than all the other drugs combined.

What about nicotine? A slow painful death of lung cancer not juicy enough for the antidrug campaign?
Reply:I think teens should know that the best thing is to stay far away from these things.

I can just hear them groan about even alcohol, however, here is a news flash they may not be aware of;

If you come from a family with any addiction, especially alcohol or drug abuse, you have a very high chance of becoming addicted with your first try. There was a study that showed how the child of an alcoholic had similar brain patterns as his father who was an alcoholic. The child had never been allowed to drink anything and the study suggested that because of this brain pattern, children of alcoholics should refrain from addictive substances.

I hope this wakes some people up a bit. I have seen what happens to people who did drugs for years as teens and then into their 20's. They have major health issues and look a lot older than their chronological age.
Reply:Everything in moderation

and never mix uppers %26amp; downers
Reply:Lets see I am a teen. Other teens should know That Alcohol is the leading cause of car accidents. And 90 % of them could have been prevented if they weren't drinking. They should know that one drink makes you unsafe to drive, that you are not only putting your life in danger,but someone elses too.

Cocaine and heroin were once used to stop you from doing other illegal drugs. These are gateway drugs. You can snort them, take them as a pill, or shoot them up. These drugs are highly addictive and the more that you use the drug the more it takes to get you high. Which means this is more chance for overdose. You can easily take too much. You can go into a coma, loose your memory, have vain damage, and diffent types of cancers too.

Ectasy is known as the date rape drug.. aka X. Guys put it in a girls drink to rape them. You can't feel anything. It used to be used in minor sergeries. It is very lethal and can be deadly your first time. It comes in different shades. It can be pink, red, or white. Red is the most lethal.

Methamphetamines are synthetic amphetamines or stimulants that are produced and sold illegally in pill form, capsules, powder and chunks. Amphetamine is a chemical that has stimulant properties similar to adrenaline. Like adrenaline, methamphetamines stimulate the central nervous system, and are extremely addictive. After the effects of meth wears off, it can cause severe withdrawal that is more intense and longer lasting than both speed and cocaine. Methamphetamines may be known as meth, crank, glass, speed, crystal, ice, batu, chalk, shabu, or zip.

GHB is a date rape drug. It is made artificially. It has sever after effects.

Rohypnol is a date rape drug. It is color less, tasteless, and virtually unseeable. It stops someone from being able to fight back against assult. Victims may not be able to remember things that happend while on the drug. It is lethal when mixed with alcohol. The slang word for this drug is roofies or rophies, rope, or roach. It might be used in any of these ways.

I know a lot about drugs. I wasn't part of the drug scene or party scene. I know because of my brother who tried every drug known to man that is banned. I am in college and learned tons more about drugs and effects. Teens should learn all this stuff from when they are in middle school, going up to college. At least they know before they do severe damage to themselves.

How many parents know the causes and effects of these drugs? How many parents knew at the teenage age? Parents need to be on the childs butt at all times. Knowing where they are, what they are doing, what friends they are hanging out with, where they will be at all times. Part of being a parent is Knowing! My mom knew where I was at all times, and knew all of my friends. I can't get away with anything, and she knew if I was in trouble or not. I never touched a single drug, not even alcohol. Alcohol has to wait till I am 21. I am not in a hurry. Teens know a lot of these drugs, but not all of them know the effects.
Reply:my father scared us with conciquiences when we were younger and brought us to a hospital and showed us people who were severly affected by doing drugs.
Reply:most teens think that doing drugs will make them "cool" or boost their self esteem but they never take the time to relize what they could do to them and how they could effect their own body they just think they will get a high and walk away from them. but i know from experience it is not that easy and alot of teens need to know how seriously dangerous it is to play with any drug.
Reply:Drugs are bad mkay. If you don't belive me then go and ask your dad.

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