1. What age group are you in?
___ 13-15
___ 16-19
___ 20-30
___ 40 +
2. Should teenagers be held responsible for their actions?
___ No
___ Yes
3. To what extent should teens be convicted for a crime? Please choose as many as necessary.
___ Robbery
___ Murder
___ Sexual Assault
___ Physical Assault
___ Kidnapping
___ Stalking
Other: ___________
4. What should a teen's MAXIMUM sentence be for committing any of the above crimes? (Choose only one, please)
___ Death Sentence
___ Life in Prison
___ 20 + years in prison
___ Probation
___ House Arrest
___ Community Service
___ Counseling
___ None
Should teens be tried as an adult for commiting murder?
I'm over 40 and I think that everyone should be convicted for crimes the same way.
Crime being damage done to others and their properties. That pretty much cover all number 3 with the exception of stalking that may require a more clear definition.
Teenagers are responsible for their actions. We all are.
I don't like the idea of sentences as punishment. Criminals must make amendments to the victims.
Of course, you can amend most physical damages or death.
But the point is that taking someone away has to be a way to secure us from the harm that the criminal may do in the future.
If there's no way to insure that, the criminal must be taken away permanently. Death penalty? I don't know. Maybe a safe location where they can be thrown away and be abandoned to stay away from us. Men and women separated of course.
Reply:1. 40+
2. Yes.
3. All.
4. Life Imprisonment.
Reply:. What age group are you in?
___ 13-15
2. Should teenagers be held responsible for their actions?
___ Yes
3. To what extent should teens be convicted for a crime? Please choose as many as necessary.
___ Murder
___ Sexual Assault
___ Physical Assault
___ Kidnapping
4. What should a teen's MAXIMUM sentence be for committing any of the above crimes? (Choose only one, please)
Life sentence for murder, attempted murder, sexually assaulting someone. I say life sentence because it seems like a crueller punishment to lock someone up for the rest of their life without any freedom and serving their crime rather than to simply end their life without them having to suffer. Prisons for mass murderers, rapists etc shouldn't have entertainment, fun, tv...etcetc..i mean its a prison for crying out loud, they shouldn't be allowed to have fun or anything like that. if they've committed the crime, they must pay the price.
All of them except minor robberies under the age of fourteen
Death for murder with added assault or kidnapping charges; otherwise life in prison for just murder, kidnapping, or aggravated assault
Reply:you bet ye.
yes they should
all of them
20 in prison
Reply:1. 20-30
2. yes
3. all of them
4. 20 + years
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