Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Help for Teens - From Jane to you?

Hello everyone!

I have just recently been watching with interest this little part of the Yahoo! Site, the 'Questions %26amp; Answers'. Needless it is to say that I have seen alot of things that I liked, and some that I didn't.

What I am going to say now is not a shameless plug, an advertising or hacking thing. I have seen alot of confused teens and I wish to help them.

I recently opened a website, simple in design but powerfull in content that centers on the sexual things that any teen must know. If you are not shy and want to know how your body works feel free to check it!

PS: The website is centered on GIRLS.

As it is at it's beginning any kind of help is more than appreciated. Therefore if you check it and find it useful and have anything else that can be used don't hesitate to mail me!

And finnaly, I am open to talks with anyone, my ID is my name.

If I am abusing any Yahoo rule (I have checked the ToS firstly) I am deeply sorry.

Help for Teens - From Jane to you?
i wish i had something like this when i was younger
Reply:are you a lesbian?
Reply:I am commenting on this , due to what i read in the answer column, The only one that answered with respect for your question and your kind heart is,,,,,sexxybabe2000. The rest was very rude and in-mature answer,s! I know what time and effort you would have to give to run such a site, and it takes a kind caring person to even think of doing such a thing. So many kids are alone at home , no one to really talk to, due to both parents ( if there lucky both parents still married) having to both work , to make ends meet. I think it,s a great idea, and you don't have to be a EXPERT TO LEND A EAR! PEACE TO YOU AND GOOD LUCK. You know even if you help one child,its ore then what any of the people who answered you to this question did, and with there attitude EVER WILL DO , except for sexxybabe200. Don't hold back go and follow your heart!
Reply:Jane we still love you lots... just check your motives....
Reply:You Site Is Hacked Ha Ha Ha
Reply:Shot!it takes a really kind person to do something like this.
Reply:Don't worry about it. Its not like they are going to arrest you. You'll get a little warning email.
Reply:think u are doing a great job keepit up,

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