Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Why are teens so hard and disrespectful (behind their back mostly) on their teachers?

Why are teens so hard and disrespectful (behind their back mostly) on their teachers?

It's as though a teacher has to be perfect of appeal mainly to popular people to be liked. Everyone is always complaining about teachers at my school, even if some are good. Like one teacher I really like, but people are always complaining about her! Why do teens feel the need to be so hard on teachers? They are people to, ya know.

Why are teens so hard and disrespectful (behind their back mostly) on their teachers?
Teens don't like the idea that someone has any kind of power over them. That's the reason I hated most of my teachers. They were total tyrants sometimes. One of them threatened to give me detention because I said "Quit being retarded" to a guy who was pushing my seat to the side with his foot.
Reply:Typical teen angst and cruelty. When I was in high school we had a biology teacher who had been in Auschwitz and some of them were horrible and talked about Nazis and Hitler and I felt so bad, I saw her crying one day. She showed me the tattoo the Nazis put on her arm, her prisoner number. Teens are awful but most of them pass the phase eventually and become nice people.
Reply:In general ... people find it easier to criticise than to praise.

Maybe teachers should teach children:-

%26gt;%26gt; Be generous with praise

but stingy with criticism. %26lt;%26lt;

You can even draw a nice poster and put it up somewhere where everyone can read it.

Reply:I was a teacher, and I learned not to take much of the talk personally.

I think they feel the need to be "independent," and they confuse being difficult or disrespectful with having ideas of their own. It comes from the fact that they want desperately to be grown up, but they simply are not mature yet.

Students sometimes complain about good teachers because they mis-understand what we are doing at school. They get into a mind-set of "Teachers against Students" when in fact it is supposed to be "Teachers and Students against Ignorance."

Finally, when a student is feeling stressed by the work, it's easy for him or her to lose track of the fact that the work is required to learn a new skill. The students might forget that the skill is important and instead they might just wish for the free time they would have if there were no school work. It's short sighted, and again, a product of the fact that teens just are not finished growing up.

Thank you for the acknowledgment that we are, indeed, human. Sometimes it's hard for us to remember that teens are also people. It's good to have one like you to keep both groups "clear" on the rights of the other.
Reply:well if you discipline your child, they call social services, then they took god out of school, what do you expect.
Reply:I think they feel to be cool they have to do that. Also, a lot of kids aren't going to like a teacher that has high standards and expects students to behave. I know when I went to school, I liked those teachers, but a lot of kids didn't.
Reply:teens are disrespectful towards teachers for a variety of reasons.

1. they genuinely just don't like the teacher, whether it's the way they teach or just a personality problem.

2. the teen is meanspirited.

i have teachers i dislike because they don't respect their students. i have teachers i dislike because they don't teach. i have teachers i love because they are funny and interesting and teach. i don't know a single teacher is that is universally loved. it's impossible because they are in fact human! if they were't human, they could possibly be perfect and then no one would complain.

and of course students complain behind the teachers backs. there are few teachers dumb enough to allow a student to complain abou them to their face.
Reply:They are learning some independence from AUTHORITY, at this point in their lives can feel they already know everything and no longer want to be told what to do or think. In showing their disapproval of authority over them, they tease etc., and push the limit to see how far they can go.
Reply:They are immature and need something to ***** about. Or they're too stupid to get good grades and have to say bad things about the teacher to make themselves feel better.
Reply:just trying to be with the in crowd. That crowd is usually the way of destruction. I'm glad to hear that your not like that. Doc
Reply:society is losing its morals as attributed to a lack of the prominence of religious values.
Reply:going out on a limb here, but maybe the mother ****** deserves it
Reply:yeah i criticize some of my teachers.not all of them. just the ones that act like they aren't people outside of their job. i respect around 3 of my teachers because they show personality. i tend to dislike the ones who act like they don't have a life and all they want to do is load you with assignments...knowing that they are causing stress in your life. yes, i have teachers that laugh at how much we have to do. it depends on the teacher

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