Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What is wrong with teens today??

I just don't get it!! Teens today are just plain dumb!! They are getting pregnant, and not understanding how. They want to have sex but, are afraid that their parents will find out! And then when they get pregnant they are afraid to tell there parents! Hello people lets get with it!!

This is the year 2006. Not the year 1906. You have sex ed classes in school. You have your parents who tell you about sex. You SHOULD HAVE ALL THE INFO ABOUT PREGNANCY AND STD'S.

And if you are afraid that you are going to get pregnant or afraid that your parents are going to kill you if they find out you got pregnant, DON'T HAVE SEX! It is that simple!! As a teen you don't need to have sex. And if you are a smart person you will not get talked it to having sex.

But from what I can tell 99.9% of the teens are just plain dumb!! Use your brains people!! YOU DON'T NEED SEX! Sex is for married people only!!!

This is not a hard thing to do!! It is very simple!!

What is wrong with teens today??
What's wrong with teens? Nothing lets ask What wrong with the parent? I believe the parents are to blame! where the hell are the parents when the teen is out all night doing drugs? or having sex? the parents are nowhere to be found and dont punish them. It is fine to whipe your kids on their butts where it is made to. It dont hurt them to whip them on the butt "phisically ya know i mean it wont kill em"
Reply:"99.9% of teens are just plain dumb" - WOW Report It

Reply:The main reason for that maybe is too much exposure of them to the intimacy in today's media, and too much freedom for them to practice it.
Reply:Because they just don't like authority, and they start rebelling and get their selves into trouble and then they don't know what to do in this situation. Alot of the parents try so hard to teach their kids whats right from wrong, but their so stubborn and they think they know it all today, and they think they've lived longer than their parents. And alot of kids have no respect for their parents or other adults today. I'm so glad someone stepped up and asked this question...
Reply:I have been wondering the same thing myself. A teen I know is having her second baby at 17. Shouldn't she have learnt from the first time?? I agree, it IS dumb but I don't think there is anything we can do about it. They just don't seem to want to listen.
Reply:Sex is for people who love each other
Reply:Well, for starters teens still act impulsively, even armed with the knowledge of sex ed classes. Also, if condoms were more readily available to teens it would help. And, I think you're not very open minded either. Teens are going to have sex before marriage, it just happens. And theres sceintific proof that some selected people do need sex like a fix, like its a drug. It's called being a nymphomaniac. I am one of those people and I need it. I started having sex when I was 12 years old and slept with a lot of people, and I mean a lot. Now that I'm older and married with children I still have to have sex very frequently. Anyhow, a lot of teens don't feel like they can talk to their parents about it cause face it, it's just embarrasing at that age to talk to your parents about that. And a lot of parents today think that because their kids have gone through sex ed that they don't need to talk about it with their children, so they never open the door on the subject, and then the kids really don't know how to approach the parents about it. Not only that but sex ed only teaches about the anatomy of sex and STD's and pregnany. It doesn't teach anything about how to know when you're ready for it or how to talk to your parents about it or where to get condoms other than the store, it's only half of what needs to be learned. by the way, I'm 20 years old so I just went through the sex ed classes not too long ago...
Reply:sex isn't meant just to fulfill carnal cravings. some ppl are dumb and do it just for that reason, and especially without protection or backup plans. others do it just to explore their sexuality. there are other forms of pleasure that aren't as risky to act as a remedy for both.

on one hand, we can say that ya they're being dumb, but then on the other hand, who are we to judge what other people do with their time? if they want to be adults and have sex, go ahead, but just be ready to be an adult when and if they need to face the consequences.
Reply:no thing is wrong....they are not understood
Reply:HA!! Im 19, I'm not pregnant, and I dont have V.D. Just proved your theory wrong.
Reply:It is a fact of life. Youth is not synonymous with intelligence. I must admit that i was not a very intelligent youth myself. It is the only way the teenagers learn. We have to learn from our mistakes. Not any of us are excluded from this life lesson unfortunatly. Innocent children are born as a result of these mistakes. I don't have any answers, i wish i did. Good luck in your quest.
Reply:I totally disagree, I'm teenager and I have sex and I enjoy it.I don't feel just because I'm not married and I'm young that I shouldn't. Sex is natural and i wasn't afraid to tell my parents that I was having sex but I was afraid to tell them when I got pregnant because I knew they would be disappointed. I am very aware of the dangers sex involves but I'm also aware that if you protect yourself the right way they can be avoided. At the age 17 I can honestly say I need sex. Sex is like my stress reliever and I'm loving it.
Reply:i know, it's stupid, I'm still in school and most of the people in my year have had sex, i don't get it? i don't see whats so good about it your only a kid once! yeah its alright to have your boyfriend but you don't have to have sex with him for him to like you if he doesn't like it well screw him. that's my opinion about sex,I'm only young but I'm one of the eldest in yr9 and people younger than me are doing it, and not even using protection.
Reply:Yeah, I know what you mean.

I'm one of those dumb teens, and I feel like a chicken with it's head cut off. I can't stop running around getting girls pregnant and catching all these STDs... my latest is Syphilis!
Reply:it seems dumb to you, but sex isn't really that big of a deal as it was when you were a teen.. but the ones that get pregnant are dumb lol :)
Reply:I'm a teen and I agree completely. If they can't stop themselves from doing it then atleast use protection.

I personally would never do it until after I'm married.
Reply:Nice opinion, now listen to others, Teens only wish to know if the world how they see it is how it really is. America has become a sex country we live off sex, you can't remove it from our society that easily.
Reply:Excuse me, but i think you a grossly overestimating here. i am 16 and i only know about 5 under 18s who have had sex. this is just an over-publicised issue. there are some kids with serious issues that get into all this crap (drugs, drinking, sex, etc) because they have seen it in their families and society, but this is a minority, at most 10%.
Reply:Adults don't want to get lung cancer, but they smoke anyway. I'd say it's pretty common knowledge that smoking is not healthy.

I mean, I don't think it's a dumb-teen thing. People of all ages do dumb things. Also, look at all the non-married adults having sex and getting pregnant. Why don't you yell at them?

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