Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Just posted question about teens being babies...?

okay not to offend anyone who answered but how can you say teens these days havent experienced life and the real world? you dont know what theyve been thru so far in there lifes. and nowadays teens do know what the real world is like, we have jobs and bills to. and seriosly look at all the problems in the world, adults caused them so maybe teens can make more "mature" decisions then somt adults.

Just posted question about teens being babies...?
I believe that we can't judge every teen. There are some really responsible teenagers and some really unresponsible adults.

But I have to say, as a teenager I would never say I had the maturity or the responsibility of an adult. I don't have to pay bills, I don't have to look after a whole family, have a full time job. I doubt you do either. You don't have to make decisions that effect a lot of other people.

I think you should enjoy being a teen. We aren't babies, we are young adults. But to be treated like one you must act like one.

Reply:I think teens have been through a lot of life experiences, more than they should in most cases anymore. You have teens that have been molested, raped, abused, being raised with alcoholic parent(s) and much more so they have been through a lot (well most of them, some are just to rich and spoiled and have no clue about the real world), but until they are mature enough to really survive on their own without all the help they are still going to be looked at as children. While yes some work hard and pay their own bills, many anymore do not and they do not work fulltime hours and most aren't raising children and having to pay all the bills. Many teens can't handle it at first when they get out into the world an are responsible for everything for themselves, most teens end up going back home until they are about 25 then they are ready to try again.

I agree somewhat about the decision making part. There are adults who have no clue about much about anything, and yet they are allowed to vote and so forth.

But in general, teenagers just don't have as much to consider as professional adults do. There is just no level of comparison when you compare an adult who has a job, bills to pay, kids to raise, old parents to deal with, etc, to a teenager whose biggest problem is the fact that Brad or Megan won't call them back.

As far as teens having jobs, the type of employment teenagers typically have, like working at Baskin-Robbins or at Taco Bell, are not professions.Those are filler jobs in society that are going to be given to younger people cause corporations can pay them minimum wage and legally do not have to provide them with health care and other benefits, since they are under their parent's umbrella plans, which is typical for an job an adult will have.

We have no idea what the real world is like. We may think we do, and perhaps we may more so than previous generations. But ultimately, there is a lot more to the world than what meets the immediate eye.

Adults were once teenagers too, so anything a teenager could have gone through, an adult went through when they were younger. Everyone, including this generation of teenagers, will grow up and be adults, and we will look at teenagers and realize, how easy they have it.
Reply:I would take your question more seriously if you knew how to spell...there is a fine example right there, teens not getting an education in english class..
Reply:Teens are having babies and then living on welfare or having their family raise their babies. In the real world...You have a baby and you support it yourself. You and your husband work as much as you have to so you can supply for the child. You try to have one parent home with the child so you are the ones raising them and not some daycare worker.

Teens have jobs and they lose them all the time...for stealing, showing up late or just plain don't feel like going to work.

Some teens are living at home well into their 20's and expecting mom and dad to pay their bills, rent, etc. Then they get made if their parents miss paying the kids car payment.

I have cousins who just sponge off everyone and expect everything to be handed to them. They think they are entitled to things. Maybe some teens are different but I have seen a lot who are just lazy and selfish! They don't take responsibility for anything in their lives. They don't know what "real" adults go through to supply for themselves and their children.
Reply:ouch nice argument but would work better if your spelling was a bit better
Reply:im sure that some teens are more mature than some adults. hate to break it to ya but the vast majority of adults are much more mature than teens. Thats just a biological fact.
Reply:teenagers are not babies.
Reply:I aGREE 100 %
Reply:If you are going to make an argument in the defense of teenagers everywhere, please use correct grammar and spelling.

I'm a teen that is stereotyped because my peers have poor language skills.
Reply:every generation feels the same as you do. My mother wasn't exposed to drugs like my generation, my generation wasn't concerned about sexual predators (they wern't so prevalent), and so it goes..........

Each generation thinks the ones before can't understand what they're going through but even though the problems themselves are different the struggles are still the same.

At 18 or what ever, trust me you haven't experience a lot of what life can throw at you. You may be aware of it but experiencing it is a totally different thing.

I know you probably can't understand what I'm trying to say so please understand this. What ever you do with your life always think your choices through and make the ones you think are best for you in the long run because you're the one that has to live with the consequences.
Reply:I would ahve agreed with you 2 years ago. IM 17 now and im sorry but adults know best yeah? They know what we go through as theyve lived it! Get over it yeah?
Reply:You're right, but it's just a fact, not an opinion. Teens do not think like adults. Their minds are not mature enough to make adult decisions. You see things entirely different when you are older (in my opinion closer to 30), than you do as a teen. There is really no way to convince you of this. It is just something that you will find out for yourself in years to come.

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