What do you think is the most controversial issue(s) teens face today? Why are they the most controversial?
Illegal alcohol substance abuse?
Illegal drugs?
Teen pregnancy?
Teen abortions?
Teen self-mutilation?
Teen suicide?
School bullying?
If there is any more controversial issues you would like to share, please give and explain the reason why do you think it happens.
Best answer will be chosen to the one with the most information.
I appreciate all answers/opinions given.
* I have already asked this question before. I did get feedback, but I would like to hear more opinions.
Thank you,
What is the most controversial issue that teens face today?
Mostly all of them
I believe.
The world has gone mad.
Reply:yuh pretty much all of them...
Reply:i would have to say illegal drugs, teen pregnancy, and teen self-mutilation are the top three out of all of those.
Reply:probably teen abortion/pregnancy... kinda like taboo....
Reply:all of those you have named.
teenagers are just crazy today!
Reply:all of them teens top three would have to be illegal alcohol abuse
illegal drug use and
teen self mutilation
but don't forget broken homes and families they are sometimes the cause of the problems
Reply:well i dont about controversial but the most prevelant in my friend group and school is teen self-mutilation and suicide
the drugs and alcohol does make me upset though
i wont drink till i'm 21 and maybe even notthen becuase i have seen what itdoes to people and i dont like it
same for drugs, 'cept i will Never do them
Reply:I think the worst thing for kids today is becoming their own person.By that I mean a person that they like-one that dresses how they want not how others dress-one that talks how they talk not how others do-one that listens to the kind of music they like not the kind others listen to-one that is happy with the person they are that they can make good decisions with all these things on your list if it comes up.Kids need parents(or parent)that are envolved in their life,that take an active role-you have to be a parent BUT you also have to be their friend-someone they can talk to,someone they can trust to tell them the truth,someone who won't immediately judge them but hear them out...If a child can talk to you then you can explain reasons why they shouldn't do things versus the yelling and immediate grounding.Be involved in your kids life in every way-know the who,what,when and where..It is when they have no one to talk to that they try the things you have listed or they feel lost and alone and feel forced to try some of the things.Help them feel good about who they are and what they believe in(even if sometimes their clothes or hair is a little weird)they will believe in themselves if you believe in them....Confidence helps in their ability to make good decisions and a parent involved in their childs life can help to install good reasons for those good decisions. If a child is comfortable and believes in themself(and knows you do too)then they won't look for drugs,or alchol,or sex..and certainly won't think or hurting themselves or others..I am a mother of 5 kids ages ranging from 15 to 20,they are all good kids and have made some stupid choices-but we sit and talk about the pros and cons of their choices.Each of them have NEVER made the wrong choice twice.......They like who they are-they don't need to be like somone else or do what someone else does.
Reply:I would have to say both teen pregnancy and teen abortion because teens these days have sex so much and get pregnant A LOT. After that they decide that they don't want to have the baby that they created and want to kill it with an abortion. Some people think different. They think that it's OK to get pregnant and have an abortion at a young age. I disagree. As you can see[and probably hear about A LOT], these are extremely controversial issues.
Reply:I think all of them. They all affect them hard and eveyone deals with atleast one!
Don't know if that helped:P
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