Sunday, August 22, 2010

Teens drinking wine?

I am 15 and I was wondering if drinking wine is good for teens. Im not talking about a bottle a day im just talking about like a small glass a day. because I heard that wine is good for you.

I could please use some answers. thanks

Teens drinking wine?
Red Wine is good for you because it contains Anti-Oxidants which protect your body from free radicals. Since you are only 15, You can get the same anti oxidants from eating dark berries such as Blueberries which contain a high amount of anti oxidants. Another great option is Pomegranate Juice.
Reply:It's supposed to be good for your heart to drink a small glass a day, but if you are in the US, it's illegal. They say it will damage your brain devolopment. I'm 18, and I was raised Italian. If it was legal, my parents would have served wine every night at dinner... but I always had it for special holidays. I turned out okay.
Reply:ive heard that a glass after dinner is ok..personally i prefer beer haha
Reply:when you're 15, the health benefits are negligibe- however, when you're 15 it's illegal, so you should not do it.

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