Sunday, August 22, 2010

What type of workout is best for teens??

I'm 16, and i've started working out regularly (going 2 gym).....but lots of people around say different things about teens working out. Some people say teens should workout regularly, sometimes do a little vigorous workouts(lift weights, build muscles) to keep the body healthy and fit. Another bunch of people say teens shouldn't do vigorous workouts like DONT lift weights and build up muscles too much because it can slow down our bone growth and it may be retarded, meaning I will remain somewhere around my current height! That seriously scares me....I dont want to stay with this height for the rest of my life.....i want to get taller......then they just say start doing heavy workouts after the age of 21!!!! I have to wait for 5 years?? I really like going to the gym, mainly because i want to keep fit, be healthy, look good(six pack, lean muscles,etc) anyone knows the answer and the right way for a teen of my age to workout and keep lean and fit???

What type of workout is best for teens??
To stunt your growth, your weight lifting routine would have to damage the "growth plates" in the bones. Most reputable sources I've seen indicate that's not likely to happen with a sensible workout. Sensible means using proper form and using moderate weights. A weight you can handle easily for 6-to-8 reps before failure is moderate. You probably should wait until you're older to try going for that 1-rep maximum. But unless you're planning to compete in power lifting, I don't see much value in 1-rep max sets. You can get a vigorous workout and make great gains in strength and muscle size using moderate weights. For more info, check out this link:

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