Thursday, August 19, 2010

TEENS AND PARENTS! How would you feel . . .?

How would you (teens) feel if your doctor wanted to do an MRI of your brain because they think you might have a tumor?

How would you (parents) feel if that was your kid?

BUT what if the tumor they think you MIGHT have is non-cacerous and won't spread and can be treated with pills, then how would you feel?

I'm not trying to sound morbid or depressing, I'm just looking to find NORMAL reactions to this situation. I'm just a little worried!

TEENS AND PARENTS! How would you feel . . .?
I would be frightened. Anything concerning the brain is scary. There can be so many symptoms. I would pray for good health.
Reply:Well this has happened to me personally and I ran around thinking about own death constantly until the test come back no cancer.

If it was my kids, I cant even imagine! I just love them so much I would lose my mind. Unless everything came back fine.
Reply:I'd be really scared, and I'd pray like there was no tomorrow. If it could be treated and it wasn't cancer I wouldn't be as scared, but I'd still be nervous incase something else happened to show up on the MRI.

You're a little worried? Is this happening to you? If it is then I just wanna say I'm sorry for your situation and God Bless! Isn't it weird how easy it is to take our health for granted until something goes wrong?? Here, have a star.
Reply:I would feel funny at first,until reality kicks in that its really something wrong with me
Reply:Both the teen and the parent(s) would be scared and upset, and if pills could suppress the tumor, then they'd probably feel relieved....


me? - I'd feel pretty damn pissed off at my body for getting one.

I wouldn't be scared,

I'd be like "well you deserve to die for letting one of those grow you friggin' piece of sh!t." to my body.

my parents would be upset, if I was a parent, I would be upset.
Reply:As a parent of 2 grown kids and one still high school, I would be extremely concerned.But as it turns out I am the one who has had an MRI. I cant have one now though, because I have Parkinson's and have had an implant put in my brain to help control the tremors. It is actually a rather safe procedure, the details of which are too long to put in the space provided.
Reply:as a parent i would still be scared out of my mind---pills or no---anything remotely dangerous happening to ur child worries u---i will tell u this---if ur claustrophobic,u can get an open MRI---i don't know if they have them in ur town---i got in a regular one and i didn't know i would have a problem because i never did b4---i hollered for her to get me out and got no response so i wiggled myself out---she finally noticed me in there crying my eyes out---i had to go to the next town over where my grands live to get open MRI---try not to be scared tho---being scared won't solve the problem----i wish u the best hon
Reply:If it was my child I would be really scared. Until you have kids of your own ( or if you do you know where I am coming from). Anytime your kids are sick no matter if it is a cold, or a fever, to something as serious as a tumor, you worry. Even if it turns out to be nothing at all you will be scared for a while. I hope that the tumor is non-cancerous and everything will be fine. Let us know please! :) Good luck and you are in my thoughts! :)
Reply:well i'll be reacting 'okay that's fine' with smiling face.

and i would be happy that i have a non-cancerous tumor and needs to take pills only.
Reply:I would be fearful for the worst. I've been in a similar situation, but not involving the brain.

When my 13 year old daughter was 9, the doctors diagnosed her with a mysterious growth the size of a golf ball in her jaw. We were told that it was potentially cancerous and that we needed to be ready in the event that it was, but they wouldn't know until they did surgery. We took her into outpatient surgery, and they performed a growth removal with her under anesthesia (sp?). When it finally wore off they ran some tests on it and about 3 hours after post-op they told us it was a benine syst. (meaning it wasn't cancerous or harmful). We were grateful, but we were ready because there was always the chance that we wouldn't have gotten so lucky.

i guess i wouldnt tell anyone and man up i dont like pity i wont allow people to pity me
Reply:As a mother, you bet I'll freak out and worry. And if I hear that the tumor is treatable, I'll still freak but it'll help comfort me and my kid.
Reply:I have had a tumor before. It wasn't on my brain it was on my shoulder, and i was scared out of my mind because i had just had a teacher recently be diagnosed with cancer from a tumor on her shoulder. So i went through with the whole MRI process and they found that the tumor did not contain cancer after a few other test and they removed it.
Reply:I am not a teen but I have had 2 friends who have both had tumors. One has had a tumor 3 times. One had it twice and he did pass.

The thing about this is to understand that with the advances we have had in the last several years you are nothing short of a miracle.

My reaction should my son need to have an MRI, I would rush him to the dr and have it done. I would worry because it is a normal reaction. I would be scared and I most likely would cry because he is my child. I wouldn't care if it was cancerous or not those would be my normal reactions. I would make sure he took his medicine every day and he would not miss any doctor appointments. I would do alot more praying and thanking God for it not being cancerous.

What you are doing is normal. Be a little worried but don't let it get you. Research everything you can. Learn about it and then beat it. Do whatever the dr. says. Do not let the thinking about it take over your life. There is so much out there to be thankful for. The Dr's , the nurses, your friend and family that support you.

Good luck to you. You are in my prayers.
Reply:God be with you child, dont ever take pills makes everything worse, start exercising now and eating whole grain, cure for cancer etc.
Reply:I would be really scared
Reply:id be scared but i wouldnt let anyone know it im not much of a talker when it comes to how i feel.~

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