Thursday, August 19, 2010

Teens.....How many friends do you have that are or have been pregnant?

How many teens do you know with babies?


And what do you think about teenage pregnancy?

Teens.....How many friends do you have that are or have been pregnant?
a childhood friend.....16%26amp;%26amp;1 month prego

her little sister.......14%26amp;%26amp;5 months prego

her older sister.....18%26amp;%26amp;8 months prego

my boyfriends ex.....18%26amp;%26amp;1 month prego

a friends gf.....17%26amp;%26amp; 1 month prego

a friends gf.....17%26amp;%26amp;6 months prego

a friend......16%26amp;%26amp;3 months prego

a really close friend.....18%26amp;%26amp;1 miscarraige, 2 aborts

i think it's really sad

this baby boom isnt saying much for today's socitey

what will our grand kids say???
Reply:Well I am 15 and I do not know anybody with a child. Personally I think that no teenager is ready to take care of a child. If they choose to still have the child it should be taken care of by a responsible adult, like maybe their parents..but i dont think that it is a mature thing to care for the baby themselves especially when they must attend school

i think its stupid. i would support my friend totally and completly but its stupid.

an old crush's older sister, she just turned 18

i think its very sad and stupid
Reply:my best friend had to kids by the age of 16 and my other friend had a baby at 16 and other people in my school around the sme age i dont know personally

I feel like teen pregnancy is not that much different then getting pregnant single as an adult. its always hard to have to raise a child by urself sometimes even with help u struggle a little bit. i know a lady who is 27 and she had two kids around the same time as my best friend and she is going through the same thing as her. people say that teen moms will never get the oppurtunitie that you get then others at their age with no babies but my best friend is graduating her last year of high school with honors and got accepted to a really good college to major in forensic science. teen moms can accomplish whatever they set their minds to just like other teens its just that more difficult to get their and may require more assistance

14 %26amp;15 %26amp; 17

Teen pregnancy is sad....but it happens. I think alot of teen pregnancies happen because of bad situations and desicions. Some aren't girls faults....others are. There is NO such thing as safe sex......
Reply:None, but my school has a high numbers of Hispanic students. I know there are at least 5 who are pregnant and many more who have already been pregnant.

A sophomore in my art class got his girlfriend pregnant and the baby is coming out in May. The couple aren't together anymore I believe. (I think they're 14-15).

A month ago, I saw another girl who looked like she was 8-9 month pregnant and almost due.

I think teenage pregnancy is very irresponsible, it's the parents who have to take care of the children, since they are kids themselves.

I don't approve of teens to have sex either, there are more important things at life and at that age, sex should not be of any large significance to them.

I know that my school's president has sex, and the senior secretary/ Cheer captain, and several others. There is also a ridiculous number ot students who smoke pot and get drunk every weekend.

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