Tuesday, August 17, 2010

African American Teens?

Hey guys,

I'm doing research for various cultural groups in America %26amp; I'm having trouble finding input from teens. I want to know the following things:

-what you like to do for fun?

-who do you spend the most of your time with?

-what kind of products do you consume? Such as clothing %26amp; music?

All I am finding is that the majority of african american youths are into hip-hop music %26amp; fashion. Just like every other teens, they spend time with their friends going to movies %26amp; just hanging out.

I'm just trying to see if there are any new trends that are about to become really popular. I know where I'm from, fashion wise, I used to HATE those leggins girls used to wear around....and now they are finally starting to grow on me. Sooo, if you guys know of any trends, anything interesting or some random websites that fun, please let me know. It would help me out a lot. THANKSSSSS!!!!!

African American Teens?
I don't know what your purpose is for this research... but I think you will find that it is pointless to try to label black american teen culture. You mentioned hip-hop trends as being popular among black teens but hip-hop culture is not exclusive to the black population, and its not exclusive to the United States either. I assure you there are kids in Latvia who ride to Chamillionare's raps just like kids in the third ward of Houston do. And while music may or may not affect one's dominant culture, let me stress that this is America. There are so many sub-cultures in this country and so many overlaps between them that it seems like if you want to talk about trends among youth, you can't generalize and at the same time limit the discussion to black culture. Because really American culture is the common denominator. So whatever youre trying to find out, beware of oversimplified results.
Reply:I spend most of my time with my friends.I listen to all types of music.Some African American teens are starting to listen to pop music like Justin Timberlake. I think that's a change.I have on okay sense of fashion.
Reply:Teens are like anyone i dont think labeling them makes them different .or is nice.
Reply:Teens are like anyone i dont think labeling them makes them different .or is nice
Reply:I consume hip hop music, I'll buy any clothing, I like video games and going to parties and gatherings, and I end up spending most of my time with my parents.

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