Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Why cant teens keep it in their pants lately?

Just wondering why everytime I turn around there are some teens fooling around or going into another room to do something. Why cant teens keep it in their pants?

Why cant teens keep it in their pants lately?
They have been taught abstinence . . .give them sex education and contraceptives and don't worry about it.
Reply:cause this generation of 80's and 90's babies are very free loving like there parents were in the 60's and 70's . it starts at h ome ppl and then it gets worst asd they get older. i was born in the 70's so the kids i grew up with got pregnant early and had kids and some of there kids are 14-19 yrs old now and they grew up with ther parents basicly and had no parental control they had to much liberation and thats why they are out of control in the 2006 . just think about it ? This is a generational thing its horrible and bad and there is consequences to theses actions.
Reply:because our society is getting more and more ridicoulsy pressured into sex is good and nothing happens and theirs no responsibilty to having sex. and that its all fun in games. They are turning into sluts. =]
Reply:no all are...
Reply:Hormones are rising.They are growing up...
Reply:i just graduated last year. most of the girls in my grade lost their virginity when they were in 8th grade. and most of them lost it at parties held by older guys (18-30). my view is that with all the sex appeal shown on TV, many girls feel insecure about themselves so when a guy shows them attention, they dont want to loose that attention. i lost my virginity when i was a jr. i always told myself i'd wait til i was married. But i wanted to know what it felt like. i dont think u can look at teens now as having more sexual experiences than previous generations. i think whats important is that teen pregnancy is down. so what if they are having fun, it's their choice, their life; just as long as they use protection and understand the consequences of experiencing bliss.
Reply:cause they trying to act older than what they are, monkey see monkey do
Reply:they want some STDs!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:Not every teenager is like that, but for the ones that are, why does it matter, they are experimenting, and i think that we all need to, so.... if you can honestly turn around and say that you didnt like experimenting when you where younger then it must have been coz people werent interested in you, leave teens be, they are having fun and its there own business,
Reply:well, their homones are jumpin thats all and they problably didn't have anyone to talk to about sex and stufflike that. just as long as they scrap up.
Reply:just because i am young don't disregard my answer, it isn't hormones, it isn't because they want to find out for them selves what it feels like those are their excuses, the reason is they have a void inside of them , where something is missing they look to fill it, with sex, oral, a boyfriend or girlfriends, drugs, racing, violence, it is just that in this look at me I'm sexy come feel me society where everyone has to be one shape and you aren't cool if you haven't had sex, that sex is the first thing they go to because on every TV show billboard and every visual sensor there is something pounding the word sex into their heads, a woman in a bikini or pulling her top off, booty shorts, thongs, lip locks it is just what they do and go to when they want to fill the void and by the way SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE IS WRONG!!!! AND IS PUNISHABLE TO HELL FOR ETERNITY, if you have questions just email, ccarw005@yahoo.com
Reply:Hormones, plain and simple. How long has it been since you were a teenager?
Reply:i dont think that teens cant keep someone out of their pants because parents are not being strict enough. or maybe the parents dont care what their kids do because they dont think that kids will listen to them. or they just cant control their kids.
Reply:peer pressure mixed with raging hormones and curiousity...remember they are new 2 this s*ex ting so they probably jus love 2 experiment
Reply:Maybe they just want to make out not actually have sex. Some teens, like me, aren't into premarital sex.
Reply:Well I mean it's so easy for teens to get a hotel room - everyone has a credit card it seems like (or at least here in Vegas it's that way). I think it's a matter of morals and proper parenting. Not to say that a parent should follow their kid around - teens will do as they please. But having "the talk" regularly helps. And if that doesn't work ask planned parenthood if you can borrow one of their dvd's on std's. That should help.
Reply:teens these days are bombarded by sex all the time. innocence is lost. Plus they are told that premarital sex is okay.
Reply:hormones...quit *********-i-n
Reply:society and parents have given them to much freedom!
Reply:They want to find out for themselves.
Reply:having sex is fun
Reply:statistics say that teens are doing it way less than before, maybe because of all those std's flying around.
Reply:do you remember when you were a teen? the feeling are the same, but the society is more relaxed (or enlightened in some sense)
Reply:Lately? How long has it been since you were a teen?
Reply:I'm pretty sure that's just a bad generalization. Promiscuous teens didn't just pop out of thin air. When the sexual revolution hit, it hit everyone. So unless by "these days" you mean the past few decades you obviously haven't been paying attention.
Reply:Why would they want to do that?
Reply:Lately? Could they ever?
Reply:b/c sexual activity is addicting- once u satrt u jsut can't stop. its like a drug, u always want more- and can nvr have enough

its spongebob's fault
Reply:They are hormonal kids without guidance.

shoe accessories

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