Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Should college teens work full time during summer vacation?

When college teens go away to college and come back home for the summer, should they take up a full time job? My mom is arguing with me and telling me that all of the college teens come home and work a full time job. I already have a part-time job in which I work at all year-round, along with other small jobs on the side. It makes me angry when she says I should go out and work all day on the one break I actually get. I work my but off during the school year and really look forward to summer break. Don't you think college students should have a nice relaxing break in between years? I still live at home and don't need to pay for any bills whatsoever. So tell me what you think.

Should college teens work full time during summer vacation?
Everyone needs a break sometimes. I am sure you have heard ALL work and NO play.....But then there is a time to WORK your behind OFF. It is part of LIFE..get with it.
Reply:Get off your lazy butt and get a full-time job. And start paying rent to your parents for living in their home now that you are an adult. You should also be paying for your share of the food. You do your own laundry and pay for your own phone as well. You also pay for your own transportation, including gas %26amp; insurance if you own a car.

Nice relaxing break! %26lt;snort%26gt;

Don't you think your parents would like a nice relaxing break for an entire summer? Welcome to the real world honey!
Reply:well, if you already have a part time job WHILE going to school then i dont see why you should get a FULL time job during the break, you do need some rest.. but i recommend going to school full time, not working so you can concentrate on school since school is ALOT more important. THen during the breaks you should work full time.. thats what a lot of me and my friends do.. just cuz your working full time doesn't mean you dont get rest.
Reply:Welcome to the real world honey where adults work full time! You aren't a kid, you are an adult and that's what adults do is work! Wouldn't we ALL like to take the summers off, but that's not how the real world works! You are taking advantage of your parents by not paying your own bills or by not working full time! Time for YOU to GROW UP!!!

If you need a break, then just work part time.

Sounds fine to me.

A lot of time college aged kids can only find part time work during the summer anyway.

The job market isn't that great right now.

If nothing else, go out and pretend you're looking for a full time job a day or two a week and before you know it you'll be back in school and your Mom will quit bugging you.
Reply:Go get your own place. Either stop living off your folks are start working for a living. Your childhood has ended.
Reply:You may be surprised but you can actually make more money doing several part-time jobs than working one full time job.

Although you have less free time in between jobs. What do you expect to do when you get out of college. You'll work a full-time job.

I work full time and rarely take vacation time off because of the line of work I'm in.
Reply:Because you already work year round part time I would say you do not need to get a full time job for the summer months. If the job you are working can increase your hours a little bit it would be okay but otherwise you should have some summer.

If you added up all the hours you work year round it would probably be equal to having worked full time just for the summer. Maybe do that math to prove a point!

Your mom is probably not worried about the money as much as wanting you to take on responsibility. I don't necessarily agree with a college student sitting home on their behinds all summer, working 20 or less hours a week and doing nothing the rest of the summer. But if you are out with friends and having fun, not just sitting in front of the tv that is fine.

The main issue is don't be a "guest" at home. Clean up your own mess, contribute to the cleaning of the house, and don't create more work for your mom. If my college student was not working and I was spending my time cleaning up after them I would resent it. But if they are working part time, getting out of the house and not creating messes for me or even better helping out and making less work for me....then I would support them even more.

My idea of how "easy" your summer would be is also influenced by your grades. If you have good grades which shows you have worked hard, then taking a break for the summer is a reward - just like people who work full time get vacations. But if your grades were not good I would question your effort at school and it would make me want to push you more at home.
Reply:Gotta have something do. I played baseball in college so I was off in summer leagues traveling but still worked random jobs whereever I was living. If you don't need a job during the school year that is fine. But its definitely necessary to get some kind of job during the summer. A good way to go is try to find internships that fall into your major.
Reply:Why don't you have any bills? Is it because your parents are working fulltime jobs so that they can pay for EVERYTHING for you? What a self-centered selfish child!! Wake up and face the real world. Get a full time job during the summer! It's great that you work part time during the school year - because you really would have a difficult time to be successful in class if you were working full time and going to school. Although some kids do that! But in the summer....when you are not in school you need to have a full time job! You could earn enough to buy your books for the next year - pay for part of your tuition or put away the money for those emergency situations that you just have to have money for... a night at the movies, gas for the car, dinner out or pizza delivery!
Reply:my sister has worked as a life guard and camp counselor. other than that i think full time jobs during the summer are silly.. for college students at least! it is good though to make a little extra money in case you choose to live off campus in the coming years plus think about all those loans your going to have...
Reply:Yes! Why are you living at home? Grow up. I have real problems .... wait until you have kids. That's 24/7. Consider yourself lucky just working 8 hours a day. I always worked 2 jobs on my time off when I was your age, and I wasn't mooching off my parents. You're an "adult." Try helping your mom out, you don't know what she's going through and not telling you.

My 8 year old thinks you're a lazy bum.


I'm in the Honor Society and I work full - time........... and all those extra part - time jobs you get paid for? I HAVE to do it and no one pays me, and I DO have bills. So, I think that's why my 8 year old, thinks you're lazy.
Reply:no way man! Your only 18. Here's wat my parents tell me they tell me to not work and focus 100% on school, you have your whole life ahead of you to work. Im going to college this fall and my parents won't let me even get an internship even though I really wanna. Your young have fun! Eff responsibilties!
Reply:Some of the answers on here are pretty harsh...but with that being said, I think that you should work full time, just so you will have money to save in case something happens, and you lose your part time job later on. I'm assuming that your part time job during the year is near your school, and not near where you are right now. You might want to try applying places that are similar to your part time job, since it will be easier to get hired there than anywhere else.

I don't think your mom should kick you out, so long as you aren't creating more work for her or causing financial problems. College is way more expensive than it ever was before, especially going away to school, and anyone can lose their job nowadays.

Going up to your a-ss in debt is not a good idea either, which is what would most likely happen if you were to move out completely. An education no longer guarantees a job, any job, so you want to avoid debt if you can.

In an ideal world, everyone would move out at 18 and pay their own way through college, but the economy combined with the fact that most 18 year olds simply do not know how to budget, moving out is probably going to cause more problems than it solves.

The problem with taking breaks during the summer is that it is easy to get used to that lifestyle and it gets much harder to adjust later on in life

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