Whenever I am on a bus and it gets loaded with HIGH SCHOOL TEENS they are SO LOUD but not in other countries, ESPECIALLY IN NYC too.
Why are american TEENS so LOUD?
I also wonder this. I live on the west coast in a major city and the kids on the public transport basically act like feral animals; coming and going in huge, incredibly loud groups.
Must be a matter of culture. When I was in france as a teenager, my friends and I were talking animatedly about something, and a french man on the subway demanded that we be quiet or get off the train.
In Korea (recently, as an adult) I had an old lady yell at my friend because he was talking in a somewhat-too-loud for public transportation voice, and he shut right up.
I would never tell kids on a bus or train in the USA to be quiet, because they'd either attack me or completely ignore me.
So, I think they are so loud because they think no one can tell them what to do, and they seem to think public transportation is their own noisy little play ground.
Also, kids are kids and in general have no sense of how loud they are being. They are not old enough to be embarrassed by their own behavior.
Reply:American teens are not loud. I am ashamed of you. There is a kid on the neighboring ranch and I never hear him. He is four miles away as the crow flies but I never, never hear him at all. Now coyotes are different. They are loud. On a moon lit night I hear those darn coyotes almost all night long. They keep me awake. I have a milk cow and every morning about five o'clock or just about daybreak she kinda gets loud until I take a bucket and go down there and milk her then she kinda quiets down. The same thing happens at about sundown. Same thing all over again. I will have to admit though if I had to choose between the noise out here on the ranch and the noise that you describe on a school bus in New York City I would probably prefer the noise out here on this ranch.
Reply:Because using mass transit in other countries, from my understanding, is more common. If the bus is your main form of transportation, obviously you will begin to calm down after a while. Maybe thats stupid, although many teens are loud, and being a teen I am often loud, when I get with my friends and we get excited.
Reply:Which countries have you been to? In England they are just as loud. Your question illuminates your lack of travel rather than the behaviors of any specific group.
Reply:Because they're a large group of people that know each other. After high school, you usually aren't around that many people at once, at least in public.
Reply:They are loud here in Australia too. I'm sure they're just having fun, but that doesn't mean I have to like being in physical pain on my bus journey.
Reply:american teenagers are gregarious
haha i like that word [:
Reply:I'm actually quiet...
Reply:cause were better than u
haha JK (X_x)
Reply:im sorry were to loud for you
but if u dont like it to bad leave deal like eveyr one elses nothing makes u special
Reply:psh, you havent heard loud until you have seen a gay.
gays are Loud And Proud
Reply:well, nobody really stops us so...WOOT WOOT!! lol im not loud all the time nut you kinda forget about the backround when you're hanging out w/ your friends. you're having F U N !
Reply:cause we like to talk.... and we think no body is listening to us
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