Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Why are teens so..................?

Depressing these days? My mum told me that back in "her day" teens were outgoing, loved sports etc.

These days, they are 'emo' and depressed etc. I just wanted to know why teens have changed over the years? What is the main cause behind this change? TV, DVD's?

What do you think?

Why are teens so..................?
Today most of the teens are deliberately misusing freedom they get. Things they do behind the back of the parents and prefer so called leisurely life by sitting on the TV, DVD and even computers and mountains of junk food with such scenes, they are achieving a lot of nothing. This attitude has reduced the ability for creativity to almost zero.

Going out is restricted to sex and hardly any outdoor sports, skating, and healthy activities. School college projects are neglected. Grades do not count much until the teens get stuck up with or affecting their career. Such things are happening more than that these do in underdeveloped world. It is a thin thread of hope the parents cling to that things would improve with the teens and their emo-, emphasis on free sex than studies and duties and responsibilities from birth.
Reply:Yes, I think it's mostly that:

TV, Fashion, etc.

Today, if you are all happy and peppy, people will make fun of you (most of the time)

I guess we fear being "childish", meaning we have to have this "omigosh i so totally do NOT want to do this" attitude, know what i mean?

That's totally not me, I'm always jumping around, I get excellent grades, I'm happy, but I get laughed at bcuz of my attitude and my colorful way of dressing.

I think teens today follow fashion a lot, specially emo.

I have nothing against it, it's just not me.

Also, in order not to be called a "poser", you have to have the so called emo "attitude".

Hope I could help ya out.

Reply:Times have really change from the technological advances, going too fast I think. Children are expected to grow up way way way too fast when they are young and I think much of it comes from divorce, I am divorced myself and 57 and a retired teacher. Life isn't easy these days for anyone, but for teens, life doesn't hold as much hope and future. parents are stressed to the max to just make enough money to feed their families and I think kids get less time than they need from their parents, statistically speaking. I was born in 1950 and oh my was life different. even I hate life too much of the time, My theory is also that the world has become so greedy and self absorbed, people don't 'care for each other" like they used to, I feel sorry for the teens.
Reply:My opinion is :

its the environment... the media, artists, music, television shows...

kids and teens became more image conscious nowadays... nothing is good enough for them anymore. I have a 15 year old sister and along with her friends, i don't understand their constant need of "things", of affections, of money, of beauty, of popularity, of fitting in, of the newest cellphone....

i was a teenagers once also and I had my own set of teenage friends and I absolutely differentiate my behavior then to the teenagers now. they ( most of them, at least) constantly need approval, acknowledgement...etc and if they are deprive of "something" they think they deserve, they become irrational, moody, "emo"..... its sad.

I would like to take my sister to a third world country and make her see the things that the teenagers there don't have and need and make her realize, just a little bit the superficial ways she thinks and acts.

i hope they grow out of it.
Reply:Blended answer-

You are where your society and your energy lead you.

The recent trend is towards not acting like everything is ok when it isn't.

That's very depressing, and "true".

The people who were supposedly so happy were troubled, but hiding it.

The generations in between got it into their heads to let it all hang out, epecially after doing lots of drugs and having sex and holding peace protests, but not contributing to the welfare of society.


you may as well pretend that you're happy, so that you will be occassionally,

instead of letting it all hang out and continuing to follow that bad vibe.

Even though you're lying horribly.
Reply:Personally, I think it's just there's so many problems and pressure thrown at us.

Global warming, poverty, illnesses-all these issues that teens don't necessarily need to deal with are forced to.

I, for one has been pressured to donate to at least 50 different charities. I'm not trying to say it's a bad cause-hey, I'm all for it. But I got other things to do!

Like school for example. The amount of homework and assignments that I'm getting now at 14 is not the same amount my sister and mom got when they were 14.

Also, if you look at statistics: gun violence, sexual abuse, and divorce rates are going up. All of which can make a teen depressed.

And please, don't blame TV and other media like. If a teen can't handle a simple TV show and realize it's not reality and become affected by it-it's their fault, not the program.
Reply:teens are emo and depressing too know a days more for the reason that they do not get time to play outdoor sports which used to take out most of the frustations built in during the routine earlier now since they spend most of their time sitting inside watching TV dvd and on computers etc they are more aware of things but definatly at the cost of their not being able to play outdoors and loose their physical and mental growth........your mother is alright in saying so and will endorse her views
Reply:Teens really haven't changed much at all. Teens tend to experiment with different behaviors for several reasons. One reason is to fit in, and another is to find who you really are.

Like you said, not ALL teens are emo. SOME are emo. It's a fad. "This, too, shall pass."

It's normal to try out new, different and even weird things when your young. It's a learning experience. Tell your mother to relax.
Reply:i think its has to deal with problems at home, and more stuff... i am a teen too, and i have had so much trouble with family problems, and its hard for me somedays but i make it through, but sometimes people just can't handle the pressure..

and people at school are so judging these days, at my school they are terriable.. i guess it leads people to become depressed when no one treats them good at school

probably from tv and media too, teens do what they see in movies and stuff..
Reply:being a teen...

there are still HEAPS MORE outgoing kids who love sports out there.

but true emo's have come in more and more, i think at one point it became a fad (people seemed to think it was cool) it's gone out again

i dnt think it's tv or dvd's

we just have alot more crap going on in these days and alot more pressure and stuff to deal with

my mother said kids these days are also getting into alot more troubble for drinking and drugs and stuff

everyone has their own little reason for doing it all

i think peer pressure has alot to do with this

like friends say that ur a coward for not doing something

anyways thats what i think
Reply:As a teen myself i would have to say that the way other peers treat each other is what causes the way we act were i go to school. I have had a depressing time over this last pass year because i have had a conflict with one of the other girls. then after that she got almost all the other girls to turn on me all over something stupid and meaningless, but the still all were very mad at me. I hope i answered your question.
Reply:might be just because teens are really bored. this is one of the main reasons that they turn to alcohol/drugs, etc. its because they want to have fun and nothing else works. they really have nothing to do besides schoolwork. back in your moms day, most teens had chores, hobbies, even passions. a lot do today too, but some dont and they are the ones that turn out a lot more depressed.
Reply:I think it's the media. People, not just teens, are constantly bombarded with negative news stories told in the worst way. Years ago, it wasn't like that. It's like the palantir in Lord of the Rings: the palantir itself was not evil, but everything they could see on the palantir had the capacity to drive them insane.
Reply:i think it's just so much pressure to be something that you aren't..usually stereotypes or the media showing you how you should look like

this depresses many teens and they can't be themselves, they always have to put on an act and follow the crowd, yet still are depressed and feel lost
Reply:yes probably the tv and the pepole hav just changed over time. sumtimes teachers think we r still like iin the 80's nd dey expect us to act like its still the same thing, but dey dont kno dat we r goin through changes and sumtimes not everybody gets help or councaling, so dey become stressed and mad..or depressed.

You have hit on it! Digital Versatile Discs are making youth depressed.

Yes, these innocuous plastic disks with digital information recorded on them are the source of our generation's problems.

You see, these "DVDs" as they are known have been spreading sorrow and despair across the land. Since their creation in 1995, they have sown their seeds of misery far and wide across the world, but they can be stopped. There is hope for our sons and daughters of future days. It will not be easy, but it must be done. This problem has gone on long enough

There is but one solution:


Love, Grant

Reply:Its just like how there used to be those *hippie teens* or goths ( i haven't seen many lately) or punks!!! yah its like emo and scene is the new goth or punk... just new generation..... im Just spunky so... i can't give you the best answer, but a few of my friends are depressing... It may also have to deal with what teens have to deal with these days! especially with all the issues in the world today and influences of the media....
Reply:Back in our parent's day they were spoiled rotten. They had the best music ever (and highest rated), and that particular generation had no major wars going on. Emo's are normal people that think they have it tough. Every emo or goth I've met is just another person with his or her share of problems, talents and interests.
Reply:Have you listened to the music most people are putting out these days? Very depressing. What we need to do is realize that the world we live in is made by us, not any body else.If we are constantly waiting on somebody else to make us happy, it will always be a dead end.
Reply:I think now it's because we've gone from a "we" generation to a "me" generation. We tend to focus on our own problems the most, and when others don't empathize completely, we get into a sort of shallow depression. Terrible, I know. But that's what the parents get for calling us "special" all the time. No 12-year-old should need Prozac.
Reply:well, "scene" is the thing right now...

they all want to be the same

and they all think its cool to act sad and depressing

... most of them aren't actually sad and depressing at all. [i know a lot of them].

they just think its cool because thats whats "in" right now...
Reply:back in your moms days it was the 70's and 80's? so that means it was swinging and pop! now most teens are into goth/emo and are a lot more immature. (some)

* teens want to be expresive more if that makes sense too*
Reply:Every teen tries to be like another and this causes depression, because they can't get the friend, clothes, stuff that they think they need. Or if they get everything they want, they probably wasn't brought up with good moral or goals. (with a few exceptions.)
Reply:Um, never thought of it that way. You're totally right though! Someone made it a trend. People have always been emo, just not as much these days. You're right! I miss the 1990s! Well, elementary years were better for all us.
Reply:i think all the drama, reality tv and the urge to fit in. teens are brutal these days, all the drugs and drinking dont help either, everyone want to fit in and will do anything just to be noticed
Reply:im a teen and im not emo or SCENE OR GOTH OR NOTHING LIKE THEM

its so annoying

i feel like a dying breed its so sad there are only few people in my year who love sports who love to wear blue and pink and COLOURS and i love happiness
Reply:Good question. I'd say it's because teens have more pressure these days to achieve things such as a good job. Whereas years ago, they didn't need to have a degree to get a good job.
Reply:I have no idea. I guess kids in those days were just being kids...sure they smoked pot, listened to the dark music of The Doors, and believed in free love, but they were still kids...

I guess propaganda changes everything.
Reply:I think you're stereotyping. Me, and all my very teenaged friends are exuberant, outgoing individuals.
Reply:maybe people are more mean? maybe there depressed because everybody is so mean to each other these days
Reply:Because they don't no how to enjoy life. They only really think there all sad and **** yet its most likely all because of the shity emo music that there is these days.

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