Maybe I am old fashioned, or just old... but what is with the lack of condoms being used nowadays? I know AIDS and HIV are common STDS taught in Sex Ed class, do teens (or tweens?) really think that it can't happen to them??
Every time I venture near the Adolescent page of questions it seems they are all, "Am I pregnant?" or "What should I do, I just had my 5th abortion and I missed my last period?"
Where the heck is society going wrong if all of these young girls are being this irresponsible and stupid???
What can we do to change this downward trend??
Teens who don't use condoms?
I work in a middle school, and yes, they do teach sex ed, but I am finding out that even though they know they should use them, kids are not allowed to buy comdoms in stores, and the clinics where they can go to get them are far away and they can't ask their mom for a ride. I have had kids ask me to buy them boxes of condoms because they don't know of any way to get them. So the question should be, how can we make contraceptives more available to our children who want them?
Reply:I would just say that we need to talk with our children more about safe sex or staying away from sex, if you have a girl I would put her on the pill just to be safe, but that's just me maybe that would give them an excue to have sex, but wouldn't it be better to know they were getting pregnant. anyways, i think that is the best way, other then that i don't really know what it say.
Reply:I think the only thing that you can really do is teach your children the right thing to do. Instill a sense of responsibility and values into your own children and hope that they do the right thing. I am not sure what to do about all the other kids out there though.
Reply:First of all, wrong section lol :) This is toddler and preschooler. But yes, it is being taught in schools, and no, most kids do not think it can happen to them, and some/most of them probably don't fully understand how an STD or pregnancy can effect them for the rest of their lives. Kids and teens live in the here and now and are not good at anticipating what will happen 5-10 years down the road. I honestly think the parents need to step in and let them know it's not acceptable and to know where their kids are at all times, and who their with.
Reply:f**k i don't konw, and if they can't learn their lessons they just gotta face 'em
%26amp; how stupid are those kids?? just can't comprehend how stupid it is, right?
... i don't know how to change it, but i think we're doin' the best we can right now, all the ads and theres a new kinda thing(forgot wut it wuz called) in my gym class this year and they were teachin' kids about sex and stuff (i couldn't attend and didn't know wut it wuz exactly becuz it wuz for 6%26amp;7 graders and i wuz in 8)
Reply:alot of it is parenting. the girls are lookign for the male stability in thier life and too manyh of us guys are falling on our faces when it comes to giving the support they need to grow up as solid strong women. They too often feel that giving it up is worth the moment of feelign loved and cared for, and too often they are too scared to ask for protection, they know they shouldn't be doing it anyway so they do not prepare, kind of that vicious cycle. The girls need to take responsibilty for their health but it starts with having a postive self image to care, and half the time the ment they are with or have been around are the cause.
just my 2 cents
Reply:i think that you need to take this information with a grain of salt. i think that condom use depends on what community of children you are dealing with. in addition to that, we ARE on yahoo answers, and most girls who say stuff like that want attention. the internet's a huge excuse to lie and receive attention, so a lot of these girls i both a) don't believe and b) don't believe are the best test group for teenagers who are sexually active. i know that where i live (i'm still in high school), my peers are smart enough to use a condom, and the ones that don't are either stupid, drunk, attention whores or all of the above. maybe i'm being too naive with my narrow view of teens, but i'd really like to think that the rest of the teen population - especially with all those things you mentioned above- is smart enough to practice safe sex.
Reply:The main excuse I hear a lot of teens or tweens say is that when they use a condom, it doesn't feel as good as when a condom isn't used. Like all teenagers, they think they are invincible, that nothing bad can happen to them. Teenagers are going to do is regardless, even if someone tells them not to. At they very least, they should be educated about everything, from unplanned pregnancies, stds, hpv and the inevitable cancer that goes with it.
If parents would make more time to sit down with their children and explain the dangers of unprotected sex instead of leaving it to complete strangers, then the problem wouldn't be this bad. It isn't just young girls that are being irresponsible and stupid. Young boys can be just as stupid about sex.
Reply:part of being an adolescent is the "it won't happen to me" attitude. the problem is that parents do not have an open dialog with their children and no one wants to even try to teach abstinence and/or responsibility only instant gratification.
Reply:they just dont care about their bodies they are young and dumb. all we can do is educate them and treat them for their stds. society is lax about sex now there is nothing we can do. Maybe show young kids in sex ed real ppl with real stds aids hiv warts herpes ect and let them see what it does to their lives. idk.
Reply:i dont get why people my age dont use condoms in my eyes your a complete wan**rif you dont use one
Reply:Every teen goes through the immortal stage of that can't happen to me (my immortal stage was crushed by my bad luck and my parents enforcing the fact that it can and will happen to me) but thankfully along with the scare tactics that my parents used they also gave me advice on how to protect myself. If you tell a kid not to do something they are going to do it... so instead of telling your kids that they can't have sex, tell them what will happen if they choose certain choices in life and how to protect themselves... all while enforcing the fact that being a virgin is not a bad thing but a thing to be commended for. And let them know that if they do have sex and the girl ends up pregnant that you will not finacially support them in anyway. This tends to make them think about how much it really takes to support another life.
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