do teens where diapers and are keeping it a secret but they dont have a bladder problem why do they where it any way what about adults to why do they like wearing diapers espicially tight ones it like they love it when the pee or poo and wear it for lie a day.
Teens and adults in diapers?
My father had his prostate removed because he had prostate cancer at age 68. Ever since, if he lifts something, or exerts a lot of energy, a little pee comes out. A lot of men, women, and even teens have that problem. It's called incontinence.
So it's no fetish for many people. Men who wear boxers especially, hate when a little pee comes out. Makes sense, right? :)
Reply:I can't answer for others and won't try to, but myself, I'm a 61 year old male that has to wear diapers 24 / 7 because of medical conditions.
I have peripheral neuropathy which is a progressive nerve disease that damages the nerves over a period of time. I slowly has progressed, moving up my legs from my toes and had now started in the hips which causes me to have less control over my bladder.
I also have mysthenia gravis which is also a neurologica disorder that weakens voluntary muscles the more you use them and since I always use the pelvic muscles to control my bladder, they weaken and I lose control of my bladder.
This loss of control became more and more of a problem as the disorders became worse until I eventually went to wearing diapers all day and night. I use disposable at work in the daytime (I hate disposables, so uncomfortable) and then I wear cloth when I am at home and at night time along with plastic pants to protect furniture and bedding.
Oh, by the way, I've always enjoyed wearing diapers ever since I was a teen. It's a desire that has always been there and I really don't know why, but I've never fought it, I've always enjoyed it.
One of the reasons I like wearing cloth diapers is because of how snug I can make them. The thicker the cloth diaper the tighter if fits on me and presses even more against my genitals. It is a nice snug secure feeling, the tighter the better.
I still like wearing diapers even though I have to wear them. I use my cloth diapers at night and they are generally very thick and tight. I wear two pair of plastic pants over them, one a little smaller than the other so that everything is covered snugly and securely.
I hope this helps in your "survey" of why do teens and adults wear diapers.
Good luck.
Reply:You sound like you're mind is bending , stop surfing and watching television, your thought processes are getting twisted. You need about a 2mile walk everday your stewing in juices that are not healthy
Reply:Well i can't answer for anyone else but for me its cause i have to. I have Extreme Vertigo and the pills i take for it won't let me know when i am peeing so i don't have a choice but to wear Diapers!! As for the pooping thing. Well the only time i do that is if i cant sit up do to my dizzyness. Your rite some people do like to wear diapers But NOT all of us. Would you rather be out in public and pee your pant or would you rether be in a diaper when it happened? You tell me!...PS..From a REAL nutcase...did i win...did i win...did i win???
Reply:It's a sexual fetish...but I have a feeling you already knew that and you just want to get us all talking about it....
Reply:Anyone that is potty trained (including teens and adults) should not be wearing diapers.
I think if they do - it's called a FETISH
If this is the case, these people should see a counselor as this is abnormal.
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