Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Why do teens have to show off?

This is a true story. Friday morning some teens were traveling down a narrow country road, The news paper reported they were going at a high speed, They wrapped the car around a tree, There was three teen boys, Two died and one was is in critical condtion.

Why do teens have to show off?
Not all teens are like that. I worked for a solid year to be able to pay for my car AND I'm responsible for the insurance. I once told a someone who pulled alongside me at a stoplight that my car was worth more to me than their life and that if they really like racing that much, they should jack off to The Fast and the Furious. That just-turned-sixteen brat gave me the funniest look when I ended up turning right while he gunned it in neutral, like a retard. I can't lie, I have no sympathy for those kids. Less idiots on the road.
Reply:They think they are invincible and they just want to prove themselves to people..

Naive suns of biatches
Reply:They're not mature enough to think about the consequences upon themselves...
Reply:teens these days seem to be a little braver than i was back when i first started driving,they mostly do this to impress their friends,unfortunately sometimes it turns out bad for all of them,they don't seem to have any sense of danger,they say we all have a point that we know what we can do,and to a point that is true,but some teens push their luck way past this point,and they pay the ultimate price for it,its sad but it happens everywhere,especially where i live at,drag racing seems to be gaining more popularity now than it did back 20 years ago,and speed is the number -1 killer with young drivers these days,there was 3 died about a half mile from my house,it was close enough that we could hear the crash,a very sad thing to see someone loose their life over such a foolish thing,but its going to happen more and more,there's no stopping it,until teens wake up and see that speed will kill them its unstoppable.
Reply:Show off? I don't think they were showing off. They just weren't thinking, or didn't think that anything would happen to them. To me, showing off would be driving a hot car all around town in front of your fellow classmates.
Reply:Teens have an unrealistic attitude about their own indestructibility. They believe that they will live forever and so do reckless things because they believe they can get away with it. Unfortunately we see too often how wrong this attitude is.
Reply:they think that the whole


dying-when-you-do-stupid-s*** thing*

doesn't apply to them.
Reply:It's a maturity factor. That's why insurance for teens is so high. They like showing off. Bragging rights. Peer pressure. Dared by their friends. Possible intoxication. So many reasons apply.
Reply:not all teens are like that, but some do.

They feel the pressure to fit in with the society around them, and to exceed what everyoen thinks of them as an image. Personally, i think those few kids ruin the stereotypes for teens. Growing up, i heard the samet hign "your not responsible enough" or "your not old enough", while the fact of the matter is, most kids learn from other kids mistakes

as for those kids who you read about, they were probably so interested in showing off to the girls how they have a super fast car, they forgot about what could go wrong. Plus having friends in the car can influence you to do things you wouldn't normally do.
Reply:i doubt it was street racing cus no one would race on narrow roads. they were wreckless and had to be somewhere in a hurry, and i guess they werent familiar with the roads so they collided with the tree

Reply:the person who gets pulled over for going 50 in a 70 may be a little hesitant to do it again

the person who gets a dui may think twice after all the issues that a dwi can cause

the person who takes a 25mph ramp at 45mph and rolls there car may take a ramp slower in the future

people not just teenagers do stupid stuff

when this stupid stuff causes a indicent they learn from it

example people up north have slid on ice because they have experrence in icy conditions where as people down south faced with a sudden freak ice storm causes massive accidents

Reply:Immaturity and lack of driving experience are the two main factors leading to the high crash rate among teens.

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