This is my LAST question I need to ask for my class project. Thanks to all who have helped me with this--I appreciate it so much. Please include your age with your answer. And if you haven't answered my other questions yet, I still need your help in getting my other questions answered. They are under the catagory EDUCATION %26amp; REFERENCE, under the sub-catagory HOMEWORK HELP, and they all start with "TEENS AGES 13-18--..."
Thanks for your great answers--you all are awesome!
Teens ages 13-18--Do you believe in God? Do you consider yourself to be a Christian?
I was baptized as a Christian, and I believed in God during my younger childhood years. But my family has never gone to church since I can remember, and religion now is not at all a part of my life. I don't believe in any religion anymore. I rarely even think or wonder about God, or whether or not there even is one. I might consider myself agnostic, but even that could be going too far because I really have no feelings about religion at all.
Reply:Thank God there is still teenagers believe in a good thing keep going Report It
Reply:I believe in God and I am Christian. I'm 14.
Reply:Yes and Yes. Age 13
Reply:ug. this is a dreaded question. i have to say that i say i am christian, but i really am not. that is just what i tell people. i have gone to church, numerous times and different ones, i have gone to about three churchs. i have only one i actually liked. that was with my ex boyfriend. i loved the youth pastor and understood more things then my ex who was raised in a strict christian family. ppL have asked me to go to church with them, but i really dont feel like it. after hearing "if you guys do not believe in the songs you are singing, i do not want you to sing. i do not want you to even stand up." after singing and standing after that statement, i knew from then that i wasnt really christian. as for believeing in god. i guess i do. i dont say oh my god tho. to me it isnt polite. and i do think occosianly when i want something to happen "oh please god.. please dont make this happen..." also with the story i wrote about the seat belt, i prayed up to god, hoping he wouldnt let me die. but i am not christian or any real relgion.
age 16
Reply:I'm 18 and no I do not consider myself Christian or any other organized religion. In my opinion there is no religion out there that can make a even remotely true claim. I pity those children whose parents force religion down their throats. As far as my own belief in god, I'm still working on that it seems if you are going to believe in something you must be sure. Its funny how people want their children to be leaders when they force lies down their throat. Its sad how they conform to something they can't even begin to understand.
Reply:yes i do beleive in god and do consider myself a christian age -16
Reply:Well I belive in God... but I'm not Christian. Hope that helps! Age - 13
Reply:Just for the record i just turned 19. I believe in god but i don't go to church enough. Just to answer your question on sleep. Here is one for college students like my self. We get an average on like 5-6 mabey 7 tops of sleep. Dorm rooms do not settle down until like 3 in the morning. so if i were you, i would get later classes, if not then make starbucks a regular for you.
Reply:well, not really...(i'm hindu by birth by the way)
Reply:I believe in God, and I do consider myself a Christian, but I don't go to Church very much because I find it very boring, and I know I should go more often, but I can't bring myself to do it sometimes. Age 15.
Reply:Yes, I believe in Jesus Christ. I do consider myself a Christian. I love Jesus. God sent his son Jesus to die on the cross to save me of my sins. I am 15.
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