Sunday, November 20, 2011

Teens in 10th Grade please answer??

I got behind on my studies this past summer and I'm scratching to catch up.

I'm in ninth grade, supposed to be in tenth.

My question is, for the majority of teens in tenth grade that are not behind nor ahead in school, when are they finishing this school year?

And what month are you going to start eleventh grade??

helpp :\

Teens in 10th Grade please answer??
I was in the same predicment you were when I was in high school. I worked my butt off and took some extra classes, over the summer and let go of some of the "fun" electives and went for the classses that were required.
Reply:School year ends beginning of June.

Begins end of August.

Why are you only asking 10th graders? Any high schooler could easily answer this question.
Reply:school year finishes in may starts again august 28
Reply:Most students finish school late May or Early June and start again late August or Early September.
Reply:i am currently a tenth grader and well the time that you get out depends on the high school that you go to.

like my school we get out of school june 15 . and we go back in august 28

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