any teens out there who got ibs with any advice on how to deal with school etc...
im 19 yrs old.
I mean is it possible for u to live a normal life like everyone else. Lets say, if ts Dating, goin out..n just even enjoyin life. I remember how much i was excited about life before i had this condition (6 months already)which were the rest 18 years. Its like im just trying to live with the memories already..cuz this really effects my life..n i just dont look at life the same way. Any of you feel like this? Thanks for your answrs.
TEENS-IBS got any advice.? plz?
Uuuuum, I'm not a teen but I can give you really good advice for IBS conditions. I've had it my whole life and have only just managed to finally sort through all the rabble to work out how to feel really good all the time!!!
1. Intolerances to both gluten and lactose usually go hand in hand with IBS symptoms. To decipher whether you have either/both simply eliminate gluten (the nasty one that causes the huge swollen rock hard tummies) first for a week and take note of your symptoms. Try focusing on plenty of fresh fruit and vegies, lean meats, fish and chicken, nuts and seeds (ground up or they will definitely give you big tummy aches) and loads of pure filtered water. I have found the chlorine, yep that stuff you put in the pool, added by the Government to our tap water to "purify" our tap water only further complicates my already irritated and sensitive body. Funny that !! Just go to any major department store and buy yourself a 3 litre water filter jug for about $30.00 AUD and filter all your water through it.
2. Next, eliminate all your milk and dairy products for a week and take note of your symptoms. If you usually have wet gassiness (sorry I kno that's gross but its the only way to explain it !! lol ) then you are most likely lactose intolerant. By substituting all your milk with a milk substitute such as soy/rice/goats milk you won't be missing out so to speak. I like the soy cos of its nutty flavor. Depends what your preference is, rice milk is very sweet and apparently goats milk is very easy to digest because of the smaller fat globules it has.
Keeping a food diary will also help immensely. by writing the time and food/drink you had and then recording how you felt afterwards, you will be more accurate in pinpointing foods/drinks that upset your system.
You need to ensure that you are getting at least 1300 mg daily of calcium. Calcium is easy peasy to find in food. Foods rich in calcium are:
Salmon, tuna, sardines, spinach collard greens, okra, white beans, baked beans, peas, brussell sprouts, sesame seeds, bok choy and almonds.
Or, simply get a milk substitute that has been fortified with extra calcium and protein.
As far protein goes here's the formula to ensure you get enough on a daily basis, assuming you're lactose intolerant you can't afford to simply cut out whole food groups you have to accomodate and ensure no deficiency occurs in your body.
Multiply 0.79 by your current weight.
the result will be your daily protein requirement in grams.
Example: You weigh 60 kilos and are 33 years old (haha lol, jus an example remember)
0.79 x 60 = 47 g - your daily protein requirement.
Oh, o.k. I'll do it!!
0.79 x 57kilos (???? did I get it right) = 45 grams of protein daily.
Hmmmm, that was silly, now wasn't it !!! Sorry, I'll refocus.......hehehe. Jus trying to make you laugh girl, I know precisely what you've been going through !!
3. For each and every coffee/tea/soda/soft drink/diet soft drink you have you need to replace it with 12 glasses of water !!! Yep, I nearly fell off my chair too when I found out that one. What happens is that the caffeine tricks our bodies into thinking that we have plenty of water to spare, hence all the peeshing after drinking all these caffeinated drinks. Just avoid them like the plague !! To stay hydrated you need to halve your body weight and have that amount of water in ounces daily. So............. I'm 2,000 pounds (lol haha not telling you) half of that is 1,000 pounds, therefore you'd need to drink 1,000 ounces of water daily (in the land of pretend remember!!) ie: 8 ounces of water = 1 glass. I'm really 148 pounds and I need 10 glasses of water daily simply to stay hydrated.
4. Get yourself some organic apple cider vinegar and put two tablespoons full into a glass of cold water 1/2 hour before meals and drink up. This will encourage the production of hydrochloric acid in your stomach and aid digestion.
5. Try to eat loads of salad vegies, ie: spinach, lettuce, kale, okra , with lunch/dinner as they are full of vitamin B6 and B6 is essential for the production of hydrochloric acid !! I certainly wish I'd known this particular tidbit earlier !!
Foods rich in Vitamin B6 are:Meats, whole grains, organ meats, brewer's yeast, blackstrap molasses (treacle tasting natural sweetner usually added to things like gingerbread men), peas, beans and lentils, cantalope, cabbage, unmilled rice, eggs, oats, peanuts and walnuts. If you include some/one of these at each meal you'll be leaps and bounds ahead of all the others.
did you know what else B6 does?? It 's not only essential for the production of hydrochloric acid but is needed to properly absorb B12, it is also needed to produce magnesium (the anti stress mineral) in the body and lastly it is need to produce the mood enhancing neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine in the brain !! You know, the feel good drugs !! (Natural ones of course).
6. Buy yourself some linseeds and crush about 1 tablespoon full and sprinkle over your salads, vegies on a daily basis. this should keep you regular.
7. Lastly, for those tummy bloat outs that you just can't get rid of??? Put 1 teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of cold water and mix well. Then drink up. This will realkalise the acid condition of your tummy that is causing the bloating/gassiness/acid reflux. The human body works best at a slightly alkaline level of 7. Honestly, some of the food we put into our bodies like soft drinks have a ph level of about 2.5 !! This means when you have a soda/soft drink you ingesting something that's thousands of times more acid than your body and expecting your body to lap it up and be happy !! ........................... Anyways, now that I've totally ear smashed you, sorry I do tend to ramble on a bit!! I'm just really keen to help you as I truly do know what a painful condition it is !!
Oops, nearly forgot, try not to have large meals in one sitting. Too much for your tummy to cope with at once. Instead, try having say 5 - 6 smaller meals (kiddie size) per day. Oh, you know, jus small !!..............:0)
PEACE %26amp; LIGHT 2 U
Reply:My mom has this. Best way to deal is to wear some extra protection down there besides underwear, depending on how yours is. That way if you have an accident you won't have to be running to the bathroom necessarily immediately and can be more relaxed about it. My mom has to go all the time sometimes and others is just fine, but protection will help you feel more confident. Try to reduce your stress level if possible. This is what caused hers. If you have the kind w/constipation, try to eat more fiber like in shredded wheat.
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