Sunday, November 20, 2011

Teens and babies?

what is your take on young teens having babies? is it bad and what are the side effects on a baby born to a young mother

Teens and babies?
i personally feel like education is so important and in this day and age it is hard to do anything without an education, when you have a child as a teenager it makes life harder and stalls your ability to have that education, i really feel like we need to push abstinence more in schools and help teens to understand that you have an entire life ahead of you, why not wait to have sex and avoid the consequences!
Reply:I work at an ob/gyn office and we see a variey of ages in our office, the youngest we have seen was 12. between the ages of 12 and 18 there are significat risks to the baby.

1. No prenatal care or insufficent care.

2. Risk of premature babies

3. Risk of premature labor and complications in labor

4. Emotionally not ready for the baby and most of the babies are taken away by grandparents etc.

So yes there are pros and cons but all in all I have heard one reoccuring theme in the teenage mothers that they wished they would wait till they were older.
Reply:I've known a lot of teen mothers and while MOST of them are great mothers, a few of them missed out on their youth and are now leaving their child(ren) with their parents and going out to clubs and partying all the time. While I think people should wait until they are emotinally and financially stable until they have children, it doesn't work that way. Some "side effects" are a higher risk for underweight and premature babies (I know one teen who had her baby at 6 months and kept insisting to me her daughter was "fine" and not a "preemie." She then asked me what "premature" meant!), higher chances of not having a stable father figure present, or the inability to finish one's education. This usually leads to a vicious cycle where the children become young parents themselves.
Reply:Well I'am 19 years old, and I'am pregnant with my first child now, I don't see anything wrong with being a young mother, just because you are young does not mean you are going to be a unfit mother, there are some older mothers out there who don't know how to raise a child and who are unfit mothers, Age is nothing but a number!!!
Reply:i think u should sex for marriage
Reply:i dont think its that bad but they say that babies born to young mothers have a higher chance of being born premature....mostly because a lot of teens dont get the proper care early on.
Reply:side effects? Is it a drug? I was a teen mom. I know have 4 great kids and am happily married to the father of all 4. Yes it is hard. I think that teens should wait until they are married cause it is very hard financially. But i wouldn't trade anything in the world. I have finished school. And all my kids were born healthy. It depends on the mother and how well she takes care of herself. Not all teen moms are horrible parents. But yes there are a few exceptions. And i never partied after i had my son. And i never had my parents watch my son so i could go out clubbing.
Reply:I think it's too bad for the mother, and the child in most cases.

For the young mother, she has missed out on being young and carefree.

For the baby of the young mother, there is not much the mother can teach her child, being a child herself. And more than likely will be raised primarily by other family members and not her own mother.

The Only good thing in a pregnancy like this, and this is still no good reason, is the mother and child will be very close (maybe) and grow up together. The mother is young enough to play.

Reply:it depends on the teen. if the teen is more than willing to take the part of a mother and has the means to do so...let them. its no ones choice but their own. as for dangers, yeah there are but everybody has dangers doing everything. it just depends on what u do with them
Reply:I want say it is good or bad, but I will say its not easy. Being a young mother means giving certain things up. It can mean many things. Being a young mother you can finally see what you mother or whom ever raised you went through. You will get a taste of your own medicine. You can also realize that your parent(s) did the best they could. Say thank you to whom ever help you and receive all of the good advice.
Reply:A lot of times the mother just pushes the baby off onto other people, so the child ends up thinking his/her grandmother (for example) is their mother. Which is a problem. It is a problem for both mother and child, the mother thinks she can just push everything else onto other people since she did it with her child and the child doesnt really know anything about their real mother. Where I live in Texas it is not a big thing to see a 16 or 17 year old with a baby AND pregnant for a second or third. Now I see big issues in that. I am almost 23 and 21 weeks pregnant with my first, I am still young but I am ready and I will also have help. I have been with my husband for 6 years now (only 1 1/2 yrs married) so I wont be alone in it like a lot of these young girls. Kids need to learn how to have safe sex in the least. These days kids are losing their virginity so young, something needs to be done about it.


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